

New York's finest have been busy with a new hardtail frame. UK racer Martin Ogden, has had quite a bit of input on the geometry of the new steed.
It is made from straight gauge tubes, 5.5lb for the frame, features a 1.123” Campagnolo integrated headset, 73mm BB and has an ISCG 05 mount. Here are the other vital stats for an 18.5”:
Head Angle 70 deg_Seattube Angle 71 deg_Top tube 22" long_Chainstays 15.8" min with big tire clearance BB Height 12.375"_Wheelbase 40.6"_27lb for the complete bike, thats not too bad.


Building Season is Here!

Well, I can't contain myself any longer; the weather is starting to accommodate trailbuilding and maintenance, and I'm psyched! The ground is thawing, rains are coming, and hunting season has drawn to a close. Plans have already been made to work this Sunday, and local session scouting for dirt jump and freeride lines will start tomorrow... Who can deny the allure of a trail or line that's all your own? Pride is a word that comes to mind, but it's insufficient to express the feeling of joy and fulfillment that comes from cultivating a fresh experience. That's one reason the appeal of secret trails is so strong: in secrecy, your happy trail may last a little longer before falling victim to fucking rednecks or XC ITVs. Everyone knows the pleasure of keeping a secret to be revealed to a select few, and, as adults, such secrets are few and far between. Devoting labor and creativity towards something others can enjoy and revere is an honorable pursuit, and keeping the exposure limited can be just as honorable. That's why some folks are so possessive about their work, and why they get so upset when it's compromised. All I know is that some of my stuff has been trashed, some of it celebrated, and all of it has been totally worth it.
Underground diggers, builders, and riders, unite!
Solidarity through secrecy!