
"Vegas is excessive and strange" part 4

Glad to be back home and into the groove. I washed the smell of hookers and sweat out of my clothes and have begun to construct my debt. This final installment of our Vegas coverage brings a bit of a smile to my face. There was certainly a 24 hour period where all sorts of activities were dabbled in (glitter and baby oil) broken glasses, pyromania and a bit of a sleepy cab driver. Did I mention the sea anemone? Overall I had a good time with the people I was with. What you discover is that its more about the people you share your time with then the location you are in.

My favorite "Baller" memory.
My favorite fork legs.
My favorite prosthetic baby.
Carbon, carbon everywhere this year. These will be on a custom Bishop bike coming soon.
My favorite DH bike.
My favorite ride.
One of my favorite uses of a new patent.
My favorite neon and potential band name, either side really.


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