

You know, we move around alot from place to place. I believe it to be in our nature to wander. I love being exposed to new things, seeing new places and knowing that you are so far from home. Thats the thing, I think we cherish it more when we have a place to call home. To sit in the basement of the "Hungry Moose" in Park City Utah, eating and drinking it felt to be one of the last places anyone would look to find me. I recall being in Thailand a few years ago and thinking to myself that the day before I was in downtown Baltimore taking some no-name his mail in some blah blah blah office. When there I was in traffic in the north western part of Bangkok at 3 in the morning in a cramped taxi with two friends and a driver named "Dak" using a broken speedometer to gauge our speed. Did Dak have any idea where I had just been the previous day? Did no-name know that I was now in Bangkok getting lost? Of course not. I have to tell you though that going from one mundane place to someone elses mundane place on the other side of the world or in a basement in another state makes you feel pretty alive. Do I sound confusing yet? Go buy a ticket, sit down, eat the damn peanuts and see where you end up, just don't chase the peanuts with the Kool-Aid.


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